I am a workin' gal! 9-5 Monday through Friday. Working isn't terribly exciting, but I do get an office and computer at one of my internships. Not bad...
So I am here to talk to the Interns' Rite of Passage. I think it was Thursday, when I was taking the DC Metro to work, that I overheard the tribulations that it seems most summer interns have to overcome. A college-aged guy, dressed in a suit with a leather briefcase, was chatting among his clones about how last night his water cut off, which adds to the no cable, no internet, and potentially no electricity. And then I thought to myself, having spent three nights without internet and only a ten-inch television to keep me company, not so bad, Sarena; at least you can shower... Then, the clones chimed in with their own insufficient homes: no cable, no television, no internet, no a/c, etc. It seems that the city is filled with hopeful college-aged interns, adjusting to the new life of lonely summer living, away from home and dorms and in a less than ideal homes/apartments and making due without the water, electricity, phone, internet, or television for unknown number of nights.
I always thought that growing up had a degree of excitement and thrill to me, but the prospects that you may have to live without internet, television, water, or electricity, I would argue the Pull-Ups slogan, "I'm a big kid now" and say "no thanks."
Location: Washington D.C.