So this is only thing I've recently discovered but my body need to recarb every three hours. It's like clockwork. I probably don't have the biological clock that tells me to reproduce, but my stomach is definitely punctual.
So today, taking my midterm, my stomach started growling, and to my embarrassment, I just wanted to get out of there. So I sped up writing so I could snack on some cheez-its outside Haines. I ate breakfast at around 8:30AM, so 11:30AM sounds about right.
Sidenote: Being a DEV students while hungry is a horrible dilemma. I was once watching a documentary on famines in Ethiopia and didn't eat lunch myself, so there was a inner conflict: feel bad about the dying Ethiopian children or bad that I had to slump over so stop my stomach from growling.
So, in conclusion, I'm a hungry nomad.
Song Playing: For Emma, Bon Iver
Location: UCLA Campus
So today, taking my midterm, my stomach started growling, and to my embarrassment, I just wanted to get out of there. So I sped up writing so I could snack on some cheez-its outside Haines. I ate breakfast at around 8:30AM, so 11:30AM sounds about right.
Sidenote: Being a DEV students while hungry is a horrible dilemma. I was once watching a documentary on famines in Ethiopia and didn't eat lunch myself, so there was a inner conflict: feel bad about the dying Ethiopian children or bad that I had to slump over so stop my stomach from growling.
So, in conclusion, I'm a hungry nomad.
Song Playing: For Emma, Bon Iver
Location: UCLA Campus