
San Francisco and Rand McNally

Having said goodbye to Los Angeles by peeking through my kleenex box and Christina's desk lamp of junk leftover from our dorm room, I arrived in San Francisco after several rounds of car sickness due to watching a Scottish movie (which I have yet to finish) while swerving through those desolate streets of Gilroy. I moved into the lonely top floor of the house, meaning two bedrooms, one.half baths, living room, and kitchen all at my disposal, but I live here with a terrible fear of the local bum, which I'm sure there are several, will discover such a gem and move in with me. Despite my fear, this is probably the best pitstop in terms of living situation that I will have in the next year.

In order to keep the longest guessing game ever going (aka learning Spanish), I now click the español link on PostSecret every Sunday, making every bit just taunting because I can only make out two out of three words, but all sex related secrets are out the window (since my vocabulary is only pertains to furniture, relatives, and foods), and end up piecing together what I think the secret would be.
To further rub in my year abroad, traveling to every colored regions of those Rand McNally maps that hang in grammar school classrooms, I've added a location stamp following every post, which I hope will change as often as I post.

Location: San Francisco, CA

Song Playing: Yes, So On and So On by Thao Nguyen and the Get Down Stay Down

1 comment:

  1. I think my awfully inaccurate map is a Rand McNally map no? Maybe you can go discover Greenland's true size and prove those Rand McNally cartographers wrong. Also, Russia. Africa. Canada. Hmm. Maybe just a new map then?
